In this paper, we analyzed the land use/cover change and the change of the ecosystem services value in Yanqi basin in 1990-2011 by using the land use/cover type's dynamic degree, land use/cover degree model, and the ecosystem services value model. In 1990-2011, there was an increase trend in water area, wetland, sandy land, farmland and instruction land, the area of saline-alkali soil, grassland and forestland decreased. (2) The ecosystem services value increased gradually during the research period. The contribution rate of the water area and farmland to the value of the ecosystem services was large, the decreasing of the ecological service functions of grassland and forestland had negative contribution to the ecosystem services value. (3) The ecosystem services value in climate regulation, water supply and waste treatment of the different ecosystem in the research area was larger than the ecosystem services value in food production and raw materials. It indicates that the ecological service function of ecosystem is larger than its producing function in the research area. Therefore, reasonable use and effective management of water and land is the principle of the preservation and the sustainable development of the ecosystem service function.
Zulpiya Mamat, Hamit Yimit, Anwar Eziz, Ajigul Ablimit
. Response of Ecosystem Services Value to Land Use/Cover Change in the Yanqi Basin of Xinjiang, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014
, 34(1)
: 275
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00309
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