The microbial metabolism activities in the sandy soils of the forests drip-irrigated with different saline water were investigated by Biolog method in this study. The main results are as below: (1) The microbial utilization capability of single carbon source (referred as AWCD value) continuously improved with increase of culturing time, the AWCD value was less than 0.5 and at a slow increasing stage within 48 h, then entered into a logarithm increasing stage after 48 h, a steady stage appeared after 216 h, but a declining stage was not found. (2) The AWCD values decreased notably with increasing salinity of the drip irrigation water, which mainly caused by differences of the microbial utilization capabilities of carbon sources including amine, phenolic compounds and carbohydrate among the different soil samples. (3) Vertical variations of the AWCD values among the different soil layers were significant, the biggest was at 70-100 cm, and the minimum was at the soil surface. (4) The positive correlation coefficients between AWCD vales and soil physical and chemical factors including contents of organism, total nutrient (N, P, K), available nutrient (N, P, K), pH value, cation exchange amount and bulk density, were greater than 0.85. So, the differences of microbial capabilities of utilizing the carbon sources could be subjected to the soil chemical properties; especially to the soil nutrient content and acidity-alkalinity. Amine, phenolic compounds and carbohydrate were regarded as sensitive carbon sources for distinguishing the soil microbial communities from the different drip-irrigated forest lands.
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