

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Grain Size Distribution Pattern of Parabolic Dune at the Takermohuer Desert in Yili, Xinjiang, China

  • Ling Zhiyong ,
  • Li Zhizhong ,
  • Li Tingwei ,
  • Jin Jianhui
  • 1. Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xining 810008, China;
    2. College of Geographical Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China;
    3. State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710075, China

Received date: 2013-03-18

  Revised date: 2013-05-27

  Online published: 2014-03-20


The grain size record of 78 aeolian sand samples collected from the Takermohuer Desert in the Yili River Valley, Xinjiang shows that the average value of mean grain size (Mz) is 220 μm, the average value of median size (Md) is 299 μm, the average standard deviation is 1.98 and the average skewness is -0.29. The longitudinal distribution of the grain size displays an obvious variation in Mz and sorting features from wind-erosion depression to the bottom of the dune windward slope. The Mz decreases along the windward slope and forms a coarse particle zone in the ridge of dune. While in leeward slope of the dune, the grain size record shows a decreased Mz, a negative skewness and a poor sorting. The 3D contour lines of the grain size parameters present alternating distribution of closed contour curve along the wind-erosion depression and the bottom of windward slope. On both sides of the sand arm, the size parameter is fluctuated; and the grain composition presents negative skewness and cuspate kurtosis on north wing slope of sand arm. As mentioned above, the wind activities, topographic environment of parabolic dune and the scrubs on both sand dune arms exert great influence on the sand flow migration on surface of sand dunes. And the eddy currents in the leeward caused by the skew of the sand flow and sand arms trigger strong sedimentation in the leeward slope.

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Ling Zhiyong , Li Zhizhong , Li Tingwei , Jin Jianhui . Grain Size Distribution Pattern of Parabolic Dune at the Takermohuer Desert in Yili, Xinjiang, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014 , 34(2) : 325 -331 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00322


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