Spherical harmonic analysis method can be used to analyze the continuous variables on the surface of sphere. This paper attempted to apply this method to the reconstruction of the global temperature field. Based on instrumental data of all the stations where proxy records exist, we reconstructed the spatial patterns of global temperatures for the period from 1951 to 2010. The comparison between the reconstructed results and instrumental temperature data shows that the reconstructed temperature field is reliable on land areas no matter how dense or sparse the stations are distributed. But for marine areas where no stations are distributed, the results of reconstructed temperature field are poor. Further studies show that, when the stations is uniformly distributed on earth, the reconstructed temperature field using only 40-50 stations will be able to reflect the change of temperature on a large-scale, and changes of regional temperature can be clearly reflected when more stations are used in the reconstruction.
Guo Jing
Huang Ning
Yang Bao
. A Preliminary Application of Spherical Harmonic Analysis in Global Temperature Field Reconstruction[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014
, 34(2)
: 558
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00348
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