Shelterbelt is the eco-protection system for oasis in desert ecosystem. In this study, different types of shelterbelt in sand dune and interdune in Gonghe Basin of Tibet Plateau were observed to select those types which had better effects on microclimate improvement by measuring wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, soil temperature and soil volumetric water content. The results showed that wind speed, air temperature and soil temperature was decreased, whereas relative humidity and soil water content was increased by Caragana intermedia and Artemisia ordosica in sand dune, compared with moving sand dune. Moreover, the microclimate improvement was better in C. intermedia than in A. ordosica in sand dune. Compared with natural Leymus secalinus grassland, wind speed, air temperature and soil temperature was decreased, whereas relative humidity was increased by all types of shelterbelt in interdune. However, soil water content was decreased by most types of shelterbelt, except for the increase of soil water content by Populus simonii shelterbelt in July. Moreover, the microclimate improvement was better in the mixed forest of P. simonii with Salix cheilophila or the mixed forest of S. cheilophila with S. psammophila than in the pure forest of Tamarix chinensis or S. cheilophila in interdune.
Zhu Yajuan
Li Hong
Zhao Shuling
Jia Zhiqing
Yu Yang
Li Qingxue
. Improvement Effect on Microclimate in Different Types of Shelterbelt in the Gonghe Basin of Tibet Plateau[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014
, 34(3)
: 841
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00384
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