Turkmenistan is located in the southwestern of the arid central Asia, where water resources shortage is the main water resource problems. Water resource utilization is one of the important scientific issues for sustainable development and management of water resources in Turkmenistan. Based on the extensive collection of hydrology, water resources utilization and the actual survey data, the general situations of main rivers, lakes, precipitation, runoff, and groundwater of Turkmenistan were introduced, and introduced that its main engineering (canals, irrigation system, etc.) and utilization of water resources, diagnosis the main problems existing in the development and utilization of water resources are analyzed in Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan has the lowest total water resources of central Asia, the majority of rivers are transboundary rivers, entry and exit water is 233×108 m3, the amount of available water is greater than the domestic water resources, the surface water resources is 9.39×108 m3, groundwater exploitation is 5.69×108 m3, and the major water project- Karakum Canal divert nearly a third of the water in Amu Darya, increasing the irrigated area. In water resources utilization, more than 90% of the actual water consumption is used for agricultural irrigation, industrial water accounts for about 7%, urban domestic water accounts for 2%. Under the background of global change, Turkmenistan should strengthen the rational allocation of water resources, efficient use and international cooperation. This study will provide a reference for the sustainable development of water resources for the future development of Turkmenistan.
Yao Junqiang
Liu Zhihui
Zhang Wenna
Hu Wenfeng
. Water Resources and Utilization in Turkmenistan[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014
, 34(3)
: 885
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00388
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