

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Observations of Dust Aerosol over China Based on CALIPSO Spaceborne Lidar

  • Xu Chengpeng ,
  • Ge Jinming ,
  • Huang Jianping ,
  • Fu Qiang ,
  • Liu Huayue ,
  • Chen Bin
  • Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Semi-Arid Climate Change/School of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China

Received date: 2013-09-29

  Revised date: 2013-11-01

  Online published: 2014-09-20


CALIPSO observations under cloud-free conditions from June 2006 to May 2012 are used to derive dust aerosol distribution over China. It shows that both the Taklimakan Desert and the Gobi Desert have high dust occurrence frequency and the former is higher than the latter. There is a strong seasonal variation in dust distributions from observations. Over the Taklimakan Desert, dust occurrence frequency is largest in spring and dust can be carried as highest as to 10 km while the frequency and lifting height are smallest in winter with dust mainly being distributed under 3 km. Over the Gobi Desert, dust occurrence frequency and lifting height are largest in Spring while in Winter lifting height is smallest but the frequency in low altitudes is larger than in summer and autumn. Dust optical depth over the Taklimakan Desert reaches a maximum of 0.44 in spring and a minimum of 0.17 in winter. The peaks of extinction coefficient profiles are largest reaching up to 0.25 km-1 in spring and winter and the profiles decrease faster with increasing altitude than in Summer and autumn. Dust optical depth over the Gobi Desert and the Qaidam Basin reaches maximum in spring but minimum in Autumn. Over the North China, dust has largest optical depth in spring and smallest in Summer and dust extinction coefficient is largest above 2 km in Spring, which is mainly due to largest contents of dust through long-range transport within high altitudes. The depolarization ratio over the Taklimakan Desert and the Qaidam Basin is between 0.2 and 0.35 while 0.16-0.28 in the Gobi Desert, which may indicate that mineral composition of the Taklimakan Desert is similar with the Qaidam Basin but different with the Gobi Desert. The depolarization ratios in the upper troposphere over the four regions are all about 0.2, indicating that the aerosols in upper troposphere may be dust with the same sources.

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Xu Chengpeng , Ge Jinming , Huang Jianping , Fu Qiang , Liu Huayue , Chen Bin . Observations of Dust Aerosol over China Based on CALIPSO Spaceborne Lidar[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014 , 34(5) : 1353 -1362 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00395


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