Using the meteorological data (mainly the temperature, precipitation), basic geographic data, 2002-2011 time series of Landsat TM, ETM+ images and MODIS/Terra+Aqua MCD43A4 products, temporal variation characteristics of surface water resource in Altay in recent 10 years were analyzed based on RS technology, also the interaction between the glacier snow cover in the Altai Mountains and the surface water resources in the region under the climate change were explored. The results indicated that under the background of the climate change, the area of glacier and snow in the Altai Mountains on June 2nd had a fluctuation increase trend; glacier and snow area on August 21st tended to decrease during the study period. From the point of view of landscape pattern characteristics, with the increases of snow-ice melt water resources in summer, the overall dynamic water resources of the region showed ascendant trend. The total water area increased 57.91 km2 during the period 2002-2011. The increased water area mainly comes from lakes and reservoirs. The area of lakes and reservoir in 2011 were 1 044.33 km2 and 196.27 km2, compared to 2002, separately increased 16.67 km2 and 101.79 km2; Marsh and swag area trended to change. The area of marsh and swag reduced separately by 35.91 km2 and 24.27 km2 during 2002-2011; Fragmentations of lakes and reservoirs were low, but fragmentations of swamp, river and swag were high. It indicated that swamp, river and swag were sensitive to climate factors change.
Aikebaier Maitiniyazi, Alimujiang Kasimu
. Change Trend of Surface Water Resources in Altai, Xinjiang, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014
, 34(5)
: 1393
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00433
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