The tourism environment bearing capacity of desert tourism area is particular. The structural systems of the four tourism environmental capacity types of the tourism area in the Badain Jaran Desert hinterland show that the tourism resource spatial capacity and the tourism ecological environment capacity are the development bottleneck of desert tourism, the tourism ecological environmental capacity is the most sensitive factor of desert tourism, the social economic factors are not limiting factors of the tourism development, the tourism psychological environmental capacity makes no sense. Combining tourism environment capacity assessment and analysis to limiting factors, a ecological capacity plan is set. Dynamic variation of tourist number shows that the tourism area is still in the stage of tourism development. The tourism environment bearing capacity at tourism hot season is almost close to saturation. Finally, the protection and development plan of the tourism area is put forward.
Dong Ruijie
Dong Zhibao
. The Environmental Bearing Capocity of the Tourism Area in the Badain Jaran Desert[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014
, 34(5)
: 1424
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00319
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