A 40.92 m long core was drilled in the Dalianhai (DLH) lake of the Gonghe Basin, Northeast Tibet Plateau. The chronology of the column was established by 14C dating methods on 10 plant remains and its maximum age of the column is 14.5 cal ka BP. The column is lake sediments of the Late Deglacial and Holocene. 200 samples with 70 a resolution were analyzed on clay minerals, pollen, grain size, and carbonate content was done by 1 029 samples with resolution of 15 a, as well sedimentary rate was calculated along the column. These proxies synthetically expressed different distinction and phases to environment and climate since the Late Deglacial. Phase deviation or phase shifts reflected by main proxies, clay minerals and pollen, occurred. The phase shifts had 1.0-1.2 ka in the Late Deglacial, 1.0 ka in the Early Holocene, and 0.1 ka in the Late Holocene, respectively. They were formed and influenced together by several factors, such as the differential reflections of clay mineral and pollen to climate and environment, different transportation ways of clay mineral and pollen, climate alteration and geomorphology, etc. Further detail discussions for their formations mechanism need to be done.
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