The GRAPES-SDM model and the satellite remote sensing monitoring are important tools in sand-storm monitoring and forecasting. By comparing the forecast results of the GRAPES-SDM model and the dust index (IDDI)of the FY-2D satellite remote sensing products and the observed data on sand-storm weather in North China in the springs of 2012, we tested the forecast products and the remote sensing products with synoptic verification method. The results showed that the forecasting of the GRAPES-SDM model was accurate, and the remote sensing monitoring also has a good monitoring effect in North China in the spring. But there were also some problems, such as GRAPES-SDM model could forecast dust weather in Hexi Corridor of Gansu province with less intensity than that observed, but in Inner Mongolia with stronger intensity,and the model could forecast dust weathers in South Xinjiang Basin with less narrow belt range and less intensity than that observed. The dust index of satellite remote sensing could reflect the change of intensity of dust though not qualitative representation of dust concentration to some extent, but its ability of reflecting the value and distribution of sand strength interval had yet to be further perfected, and some dust aerosols often were misclassified as clouds in South Xinjiang so that the satellite remote sensing products could not recognized dust weather. At last dust monitoring IDDI index could not be used for the night.
Duan Haixia
Guo Ni
Huo Wen
Qin He
Ma Yufen
. The Comparison of the Prediction Efficiency of GRAPES-SDM Dust-Storm Model and the Satellite Remote Sensing Monitoring[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014
, 34(6)
: 1617
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00012
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