The net primary production of vegetation (NPP) is a main parameter for assessing ecological processes of ecosystem. Research of regional NPP is conducive to manage and utilize effectively natural resources. In this paper, NPP in the Heihe River Basin was estimated with modified CASA model based on remote sensing data and meteorological data from 1999 to 2010. Moreover, spatial-temporal characteristics of the estimated NPP were analyzed. As results, an annual growth rate of the NPP was estimated to be 3×1011 g·5a-1 in the basin from 1999 to 2000. Spatially, the estimated NPP on the south side of the river was more than that on the north side, and the NPP on both sides of the river and nearby the oasis area were higher as compared to other areas. Among all types of land use, the NPP of the grassland was at the highest level. It is also clarified that the NPP estimated in the upstream area was positively correlated with solar radiation and precipitation, but negatively with average temperature. For middle areas, the NPP was respectively negatively and weakly negatively correlated with the average temperature and solar radiation but positively correlated with precipitation. On the other hand in the downstream area, the estimated NPP was positively correlated with the average temperature but negatively with precipitation, and the correlation with the solar radiation is not significant.
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