

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Forest Spatial Structure and Function on Water Conservation in the Dayekou Basin of the Qilian Mountain

  • Niu Yun ,
  • Liu Xiande ,
  • Li Xin ,
  • Zhang Xuelong ,
  • Zhao Weijun
  • 1. Academy of Water Resource Conservation Forests of Qilian Mountains in Gansu Province, Gansu Province Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Frozen-soil Hydrology and Water Resources, Zhangye 734000, Gansu, China;
    2. Cold And Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China

Received date: 2013-11-13

  Revised date: 2013-12-21

  Online published: 2014-11-20


The relationship between forest spatial structure and the function of water conservation has always been the hot spot on forest ecological hydrology research. Selecting sample area of forest stand spatial structure, canopy interception and river runoff in the Dayekou Basin of the Qilian Mountain, and using statistical analysis of characteristic parameters, abundance analysis and correlation analysis, we researched the relationship between spatial structure factor of forest stand and function of water conservation. The results showed that: (1)For the monitored 2 819 Picea crassifolia in 49 sample area, the distribution curve of diameter at breast height, tree height, crown length, crown, the crown area were more flat than the normal distribution, the distribution curve of tree-age and DBH were more sharp than the normal distribution. For those trees with diameter level from 1-5 cm to 26-30 cm, height from 2-4 m to 18-20 m, crown length from 2-4 m to 12-14 m, the crown from 2-4 m to 4-6 m, the abundance were 89.4%, 94.4%, 77.8% and 94.4% respectively. (2) Canopy interception in total and average intercept rate were 139.1 mm and 35.28% respectively. (3) From the point of the correlation coefficient analysis, the altitude had effect greatly on tree height, little effect on canopy length, and no effect on other factors. Slope aspect had the greatest influence on canopy, but had smaller effect on the conopy length and tree height. The slope has little impact on these factors. Diameter and abundance, canopy length and abundance were all accord with cubic polynomial relation, and diameter at breast height and tree height, canopy length, canopy breadth,tree-age conform to the linear multivariate regression function. The level of rainfall was inversely proportional to the canopy interception rate. This paper analyzed the spatial structure closely related to the water conservation function, and provided basic data and resources for mechanism studying between characteristics of forest spatial structure in watershed and water conservation function.

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Niu Yun , Liu Xiande , Li Xin , Zhang Xuelong , Zhao Weijun . Forest Spatial Structure and Function on Water Conservation in the Dayekou Basin of the Qilian Mountain[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014 , 34(6) : 1685 -1691 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00424


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