

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Response of Soil Moisture to Rainfall in the Mobile Dunes of the Mu Us Sandy Land

  • Feng Wei ,
  • Yang Wenbin ,
  • Dang Hongzhong ,
  • Li Wei ,
  • Shi Xing ,
  • Wang Yongsheng ,
  • Liang Hairong
  • 1. Institute of Desertification Studies, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China;
    2. School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;
    3. Inner Mongolia Academy of Forestry Science, Hohhot 010010, China

Received date: 2014-01-08

  Revised date: 2014-03-05

  Online published: 2015-03-20


To investigate soil water content to response time for rainfall in the semi-arid area of the mobile dunes. The AV-3665R-type rain sensor and ECH2O-5 soil moisture sensor to quantitative monitor precipitation, soil water for 0-200 cm deep in the mobile dune of the Mu Us Sandy Land northeastern margin in 2013. Analysis of soil moisture variations, infiltration of rainfall and soil water recharges characteristics for rainfall. The results showed that cumulative rainfall 399.4 mm was significantly (p<0.01) affect 0-200 cm soil moisture in the mobile dune when lower average moisture of 0-200 cm (6.49%±1.12%), 53.8 mm rainfall was able to infiltration into the 200 cm soil, when higher average moisture of 0-200 cm (10.22%±1.96%), this value was 24.2 mm. Cumulative rainfall 399.4 mm have recharge the following soil moisture of 200 cm during the test, which 45.7±14.1 mm moisture accumulated in the soil, account for 11.4%±3.5% of the rainfall, and with the time increasing most of the soil accumulate water will leak into 200 cm and then recharge deep soil water.

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Feng Wei , Yang Wenbin , Dang Hongzhong , Li Wei , Shi Xing , Wang Yongsheng , Liang Hairong . Response of Soil Moisture to Rainfall in the Mobile Dunes of the Mu Us Sandy Land[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015 , 35(2) : 400 -406 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00033


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