

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Dynamic Mechanism of Dust Weather with Different Intensities in Ningxia, China

  • Chen Yuying ,
  • Chen Nan ,
  • Tan Zhiqiang
  • 1. Ningxia Key Laboratory for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Yinchuan 750002, China;
    2. Ningxia Meteorological Observatory, Yinchuan 750002, China

Received date: 2014-02-14

  Revised date: 2014-03-19

  Online published: 2015-03-20


By using conventional observation data and the ECWMF 6-hourly reanalysis data with resolution 0.25°×0.25°,the circulation systems, high and low jets effected on strong wind and dust weather on May 18, February 28, March 9 in 2013 are analyzed. The results show that under the circulation background that high pressure at west Ningixa and low pressure at east Ningxia and affected by the combined effects of Mongolia-Xinjiang high pressure ridge, temperature, westerly trough, ground cyclone, cold front, high and low jets, secondary circulation formed in the middle and lower atmosphere in 90°-110°E. Due to downward momentum of the upper jet stream and high potential vorticity through the secondary circulation, low level jet begin to form. Meanwhile strong turbulent mixing occurs in the boundary layer, strong winds and dust weather produces. The important motivation factors that cause different intensities of dust weather in Ningxia are the intensity and the southward way of the cold air, the position and strength of high pressure ridge, the area of high and low jets, the southward location of low level jet, the height reached by the upper strong wind, the strength of the secondary circulation, and the activities of high potential vorticity at upper level and low level jet at 850 hPa over Ningxia.

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Chen Yuying , Chen Nan , Tan Zhiqiang . Dynamic Mechanism of Dust Weather with Different Intensities in Ningxia, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015 , 35(2) : 438 -447 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00026


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