

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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The Morphological Characteristics of Artemisia ordosica Nebkhas at Different Evolvement Stages in Southern Margin of the Mu Us Desert

  • Chen Dong ,
  • Zhang Yuqing ,
  • Wu Bin ,
  • Qin Shugao ,
  • Zhang Jutao ,
  • Gao Hao
  • School of Soil and Water Conservation/Yanchi Ecology Research Station/Key Laboratory of Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating of Education Ministry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2014-06-16

  Revised date: 2014-09-09

  Online published: 2015-05-20


In this study, the investigation was conducted on the Artemisia ordosica nebkhas, and the relations between the nebkhas and shrub parameters were analyzed. The result showed: (1) the A. ordosica nebkhas of research area were mainly at developing and stabilizing stages. The shrub length, nebkhas length, and width significantly increased with the nebkhas evolvement, while the shrub height kept unchanged. (2) There were good relationships among morphological parameters of A. ordosica nebkhas. At developing stage, the relationship among the nebkhas length, width and height showed linear correlation, and length and width grew relatively rapidly than height. Nevertheless at stabilizing stage, those nebkhas parameters coordinated development to stable by quadratic linear correlation relationships among parameters, however at degrading stage correlation coefficient of nebkhas morphological parameters declined. (3) The morphological parameters of A. ordosica were significantly correlated with that of nebkhas at developing and stabilizing stage, which all showed a significant liner relationship of shrub length and nebkahs length, shrub width and nebkahs width, shrub crown area and nebkhas basal area. Our results indicated that the evolvement of A. ordosica nabkhas was impacted by its coordinated development in the role of environmental factors, which made the morphological characteristics of shrub and nebkhas significant differences among three evolvement stages.

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Chen Dong , Zhang Yuqing , Wu Bin , Qin Shugao , Zhang Jutao , Gao Hao . The Morphological Characteristics of Artemisia ordosica Nebkhas at Different Evolvement Stages in Southern Margin of the Mu Us Desert[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015 , 35(3) : 565 -572 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00147


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