This study adopted per GDP as measure indicator, and applied the methods of spatial autocorrelation and standard deviation ellipse to visualize the spatial pattern of county's economics in Xinjiang during 2004-2013. The level of county's economic development has significant spatial auto-correlation in Xinjiang. Hot areas showed fluctuating trend and were concentrated in the Tianshan Mountains northern slope economic zone and Tianshan Mountains south slope industrial zone. The standard deviation ellipse of Xinjiang county's economics moved gradually to eastern and southern areas during 2004-2013. Heshuo is the core of county's economics in Xinjiang on the whole.
Liu Xiaoting
Chen Wenjun
. Dynamics of Spatial Pattern of County's Economics during 2004-2013 in Xinjiang, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015
, 35(4)
: 1089
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00144
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