

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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The Relationship Between Drought-resistance and Anatomical Structure of Allium mongolicum's Vegetative Organs

  • Yan Zizhu ,
  • Man Duoqing ,
  • Li Delu
  • 1. State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Desertification and Aeolian Sand Disaster Combating, Gansu Desert Control Research Institiute, Wuwei 733000, Gansu, China;
    2. Gansu Minqin National Studies Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem, Gansu Desert Control Research Institiute, Wuwei 733000, Gansu, China

Received date: 2015-01-14

  Revised date: 2015-04-08

  Online published: 2015-07-20


Through the observation of the anatomy of Allium mongolicum roots, stems and leaves by the Photomicrography camera, the results showed that the roots, stems and leaves of Allium mongolicum all have structural features of drought-resistance. The root epidermal cells tightly packed and cell wall thickened; cortex is more than 90% of root cross-section and parenchymal cells inside, the center pillar is less than 10% of the root cross-section, primary xylem is four haplotype structure and no marrow differentiation. The stem formed by a multi-layer bulb pieces with ring wrapped and abnormal vasculars inside, there are sclerenchyma in phloem, big central canal and full inside, the same type aqueous tissue arranged and vascular bundles developed, cuticular membrane and outgoing wall thickened; stem fleshy bulb composed by the same tissue, which parenchyma and vascular bundle distributed inside. Leaf surface covered with wax layer, the stratum corneum developed, the cell wall thickened and more stomatal subsidence with holes under the room; palisade tissue developed, spongy tissue undeveloped and big middle canal in fleshy leaves. These structural features of drought-resistance are great significance on surviving of Allium mongolicum in extreme drought environment.

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Yan Zizhu , Man Duoqing , Li Delu . The Relationship Between Drought-resistance and Anatomical Structure of Allium mongolicum's Vegetative Organs[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015 , 35(4) : 890 -894 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00069


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