Using the effective observation data during the spring of 2008 from Micro Pulse Lidar at Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University in Yuzhong, Gansu, China, the difference and possible causes for inverting aerosol extinction coefficient by Klett's method and Fernald's method are discussed. Klett's method and Fernald's method can reflect the characteristics of atmospheric aerosol extinction coefficient vertical distribution, and the results are consistent. On the cloudless and the dusty days, the inversion results at low altitude are basically the same, and the results show a great difference at the maximum detection height. On the cloudy day, the inversion results at low altitude by Fernald's method were smaller than that by Klett's method, and difference increases at the maximum detecting height. In practical application, to invert aerosol extinction coefficient in semi-arid regions using the Micro Pulse Lidar, Klett's method is more reasonable if we need to know the aerosol information at high altitude.
Song Jiayao
Zhang Jingpeng
Qu Zongxi
Zhang Wenyu
. Method for Inverting Aerosol Extinction Coefficient using Micro Pulse Lidar Data in the Semi-arid Regions of China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015
, 35(4)
: 971
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00102
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