Using the point-dendrometer, the stem radius variation of Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima were measured during the growing season, in Ejina Oasis, arid northwest China. The environmental factors, such as air temperature, relative air humidity and groundwater level, were monitored synchronously. Using the Regime Shift Detection, different growing phrases of the two species were detected. The relationship between the environmental factors and the diurnal stem radial variation was investigated through correlation analysis. The results showed that, the time of P. euphratica reached the start and the end of daily maximum value were 3 hours earlier than T. ramosissima. The time of P. euphratica entered the rapid growth phase was later than T. ramosissima, and the ending time was earlier. The mean value of eMDV, iMDV and ΔR of P. euphratica were 3 times larger than T. ramosissima, and the amplitudes of the three parameters were larger for P. euphratica. It is similar of the relationship between those three parameters of the two species and the environmental factors. A more significant correlation has been found between the groundwater level and the three parameters in rapid growth phase, especially for the T. ramosissima. The research results have significant implications for the sustainable development of desert riparian forests and the water resources management in the inland river basin.
Tian Quanyan
Xiao Shengchun
Peng Xiaomei
Xiao Honglang
. Comparison of Intra-annual Stem Radial Growth Characteristic between Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015
, 35(6)
: 1512
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00007
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