Long term change of plant traits can reveal the mechanism of vegetation succession in a region and plays a key role in evaluation of plant adaptation to habitat change, particularly for the plant revegetated in sandy land. In order to investigate the changes of the traits of Caragana microphylla population in Horqin Sandy Land, a long term series of sample sites of C. microphylla grasslands of 7 years, 12 years, 19 years and 31 years old were setup. Analysis showed that the growth of C. microphylla was not influenced by the competition from the plants and had a relatively high regeneration capacity even after the middle age of this plant in a relatively sparse density. Regular cutting could prevent the growth degradation of C. microphylla and promote the development and biomass production of the grass understory, and there was no influence on the biodiversity during the period of seven to 31 years.
Bao Hasengaowa
Feng Jie
Liu Desen
Jiang Peng
. Population Traits of Planted Caragana microphylla of Different Ages and Its Growth after Cutting in the Horqin Sandy Land[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015
, 35(6)
: 1527
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00159
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