The daily changes in photosynthetic characteristics, antioxidant enzyme activities and osmoregulation substance contents were investigated in response to daily variation of radiation in six desert palnts, Caragana microphylla, Salsola collina, Ruthenian medic, Lespedeza bicolor, Salix gordejevii, and Salsola collina in the Horqin Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia, China to understand how correlation of photosynthetic characteristics was with antioxidant enzyme activities and osmoregulation substance contents. The results obtained are as followes:(1).The diurnal changes of photosynthestic rate of five C3 desert plants belong to noon-sescent type. The first net photosynthetic rate(Pn) was peaked at 10:00am, second one was at 14:00pm which was only 37% of first Pn in four C3 desert plants(C.microphylia, R.medic, L.bicolor, S.gordejevii). While Salsola collina(C4) was unimodal type.(2) During reaching first peak of Pn, with rising up of radiation(PAR)and air temperature(Ta) from 6:00 am, vapor pressure dificit(VPD) increased by 3-6 times, stomata condition(Gs) decreased by 60%, as same times contents of malondialdehyde(MDA) and soluble sugar and proline(exception A.halodendron) increased by 18%, 48% and 74%; the activities of peroxidase(POD)(exception R.mecid) and CAT(exception L. bicolor) raised by 29% and 82%; Pn increased by 3-13 times among the six plants.(3) During the noon and after noon, when PAR and Ta were higher,Pn decreasing was accompanied with increasing of Gs and VPD, and the leaves still hold higher in contents of proline and soluble sugar and stronger in activities of antioxidant enzyme. It suggested that diurnal photosynthetic characteristics was correlated with antioxidant enzyme activities and osmoregulation substance contents. Antioxidant enzyme(specialy POD and CAT)and osmoregulation substance(proline and soluble sugar)not only preserved metabolism balance of active oxygen free radicals and water and in physiological protective fuction for the photosynthese of desert plants when Pn rised, but also played physiogical regulation role in recovering of photosnthese and cell normal metabolism. But six desert plants have different antioxidant enzymes and osmoregulation substances involved in adpting to desert environment.
Yang Shuqin
Zhou Ruilian
Liang Huimin
Zhao Halin
Zhao Xueyong
. Relationship of Antioxidant Enzyme and Osmoregulation Substance to Photosynthese in Several Desert Plants[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015
, 35(6)
: 1557
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00151
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