In order to improve the proliferation index of wild Nitraria sibirica during tissue culture, we selected the young stem segments on aseptic seedling of wild nitraria as the explant to optimize the proliferation induced with the response surface method. On the basis of one-factor proliferation test which were added different concentrations of NAA, IBA, IAA and 6-BA, combinated in medium, and according to the central composite experimental design principles, the response surface method with 2 factors and 5 levels was adopted to optimize the concentrations of 6-BA and IBA which were selected through previous test. The results showed that the best proliferation medium was MS+6-BA(0.22 mg·L-1)+IBA(0.55 mg·L-1). In this medium, the actual proliferation coeffcient was up to 3.90. The optimized medium increased proliferation coeffcient 3.63 which was the best result of one-factor tests to 3.90. This provided guarantee for the stable proliferation in tissue culture of wild nitraria and the follow-up study on combinating with Cynomorium in plant tissue culture environment.
Zhang Yanping
Zhao Wei
Luo Wanyin
Dong Zhibao
. Optimization of Proliferation Medium for the Stem of Wild Nitraria sibirica with the Response Surface Method[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2015
, 35(6)
: 1579
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00214
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