Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica (MP) is a widely distributed tree with significant economic and ecological benefits in the Horqin Sandy Land. In order to understand the effect of precipitation and air temperature on growth of MP plantation, a field survey of growth characteristics of MP was conducted in three 20 m×20 m plots in 2009, and the relationships between precipitation, air temperature and growth characteristics of MP were analyzed. The results showed that average height was 4.8 m, average diameter at breast height was 7.81 cm and the rate of dieback reached 16.87% for 25-years-old MP plantation. The response of annual height growth to the amount of precipitation in current year showed a lag effect of 1 to 2 years. The annual diameter increment varied with precipitation, and a significant linear relationship was detected in annual cumulative precipitation and cumulative diameter increment. The height growth during the year was significantly related to the precipitation of current year, growing season and Spring, as well as air temperature in growing season. Cumulative diameter increment was significantly correlated with the precipitation at any time of the year and air temperature, but not with air temperature in Spring. Air temperature is a main factor in influencing growth of MP in this region, and higher air temperature in growing season is conductive to height growth of MP.
Liu Xinping
He Yuhui
Wei Shuilian
Zhao Xueyong
Zhang Tonghui
Yue Xiangfei
. Growth Response of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica to Precipitation and Air Temperature in the Horqin Sandy Land[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2016
, 36(1)
: 57
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00105
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