By continuous dynamic observation, we collected the drifting sand on the surface of typical semi-fixed dunes in the south edge of Mu Us Sandy Land. Besides, we analyzed the erosion depths in different dune positions as well as nutrient contents of sand transport materials. The results indicate that the erosion depths on the top of the dune are the largest during wind activity, with upwind slope the less and interdune the least. The sand transport materials on the top of the dune and the upwind slope are mostly composed with medium particles and fine particles, which are low in nutrient contents. However, the interdune has more fine particles and high nutrient contents. Soil nutrient contents have a negative relationship with sand particle size. The upwind slope and the top of the dune are in the environment of wind erosion, thus they cannot easily be fixed by vegetation and wind erosion process is accelerated. In contrast, the wind activity in the interdune is relatively weak, and the fine particles with high nutrient contents promote vegetation growth and development, which lead to weaker wind velocity.
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