Using the Landsat 8 data (30 m) and high resolution Geoeye-1 data (2 m), combined with multi scale remote sensing method to estimate evapotranspiration at Hutubi County in Northern Slope of the TianShan Mountains. In some areas such as arable land on Hutubi river basin, arable land on Juntanghu river basin and oasis-desert ecotone, we take Geoeye-1 remote sensing image to compute NDVI and land surface temperature then input them to the SEBS model. The significance of the study is the influence of data fusion on evapotranspiration calculation results with two kinds of sensor data. The results show that adding some parameters which come from Geoeye-1 make the estimated value closer to measured values which come from small lysimeter. The maximum absolute error appears in the bare ground in 28.5%, still below the 54.8% only using Landsat 8 data, indicating that participation of high resolution images helps to improve the efficiency of the model.
Zhang Yuan
Zheng Jianghua
Liu Zhihui
Yao Junqiang
. Evapotranspiration Estimation at Hutubi County in Northern Slope of the TianShan Mountains Using Data Fusion of Geoeye-1 and Landsat 8[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2016
, 36(2)
: 508
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00026
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