Estimation of Biomass Stratose Allocation and Carbon Density in Different Land-use Types in Stipa breviflora Desert Grassland
Received date: 2014-12-25
Revised date: 2015-03-12
Online published: 2016-05-20
The allocation of community biomass is highly meaningful in research of carbon storage and cycling in grassland ecosystems. Our objective is to characterize biomass allocation patterns of desert grassland by providing a detailed study of stratose allocation and carbon density in different land-use types. The results showed that manual irrigation sample area Shrubs layer biomass was significantly higher than the grazing and original grass. The biomass of grass layer showed that manual irrigation grassland was over original grassland and grazing grassland, and original grassland was greater than grazing grassland, which the biomass of litter layer was opposite. Above-ground stratose biomass concentrated on grass layer (more than 60%) and below-ground 0-10 cm layer biomass was significantly greater than other layer biomass (P<0.05). There were extremely significant correlations (P<0.0001) among grass layer, litter layer, Shrubs layer biomass, between each layer of below-ground biomass. And the biomass of above- and below-ground stratose biomass were also significantly correlated (P<0.05) in original ecology sample area and manual irrigation sample area. So we could establish biomass stratose distribution model. The mean biomass carbon density of manual irrigation grassland was over original grassland and grazing grassland, and original grassland was greater than grazing grassland.
Key words: land-use type; biomass; stratose allocation; carbon density; desert grassland
Liu Wenting , Wei Zhijun , Lv Shijie , Sun Shixian , Dai Jingzhong . Estimation of Biomass Stratose Allocation and Carbon Density in Different Land-use Types in Stipa breviflora Desert Grassland[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2016 , 36(3) : 666 -673 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00045
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