The ecological security crisis in Minqin has got the common attention. In this paper, with the aid of the methods of ecological footprint and ecological pressure index, a quantitative evaluation on the land ecological security of the typical villages in Minqin in 2010-2014 was did from different farmer livelihood assets perspective. The result shows that the classification of the farmer livelihood assets into natural assets, physical assets, human assets, financial assets and social assets reflects the livelihood of farmers' assets at a degree. The per capita ecological footprint per capita ecological carrying capacity of different living types in typical villages in Minqin in 2010-2014 change obviously, which presents a surplus condition. The land ecological security of typical villages in Minqin is in a safe state.
Qiao Hongqiang
Liu Xuelu
Qiao Weidong
Cheng Wenshi
. Quantitative Evaluation of Land Ecological Security in Minqin Based on Farmer Livelihood Assets[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2016
, 36(4)
: 1182
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00076
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