

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Observation of Morphological Responses of a Coastal Climbing Dune to Typhoon

  • Dong Yuxiang ,
  • Huang Dequan ,
  • Zhang Xueqin
  • 1. School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
    2. Xinhua College of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510520, China

Received date: 2016-03-06

  Revised date: 2016-03-11

  Online published: 2016-07-20


Based on the high-precision surveying data over a typical coastal climbing dune in Pingtan Island before and after the tenth Typhoon Matmo in 2014, the morphological change of a coastal climbing dune in response to the Typhoon Matmo event is analyzed. The typical observation results suggest that the basic feature of the Typhoon Matmo impact on the morphological change of coastal climbing dune is the reduce of volume and height. The mean reduction height over the coastal climbing dune in observation sample area was 0.18 m and the volume of coastal climbing dune in observation sample area meanly reduced by 1.95% after the Typhoon Matmo landing, but the magnitude of morphological change differs between sites over the coastal climbing dune. The highest decrease in height was at the middle site of windward slope in front of coastal climbing dune and the smallest decrease in height was at the top site of windward slope in front of coastal climbing dune. The basic factors resulting in the characteristics of the Typhoon Matmo impact on the morphological change of coastal climbing dune are the strong wind erosion of the Typhoon Matmo, the special shape of coastal climbing dune and the difference in vegetation cover over the coastal climbingon

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Dong Yuxiang , Huang Dequan , Zhang Xueqin . Observation of Morphological Responses of a Coastal Climbing Dune to Typhoon[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2016 , 36(4) : 865 -870 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2016.00030


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