To reveal the influence of wind speed and nylon net interval on the wind-break effect of double-row nylon net fence, wind tunnel simulation was conducted by 2H, 5H, 10H and 15H (H is the height of the fence) intervals atthe wind speed of 6 m·s-1, 9 m·s-1and 12 m·s-1,respectively. Based oncomparative analysisof acceleration rate contour linesand variation tendencies, wind-break effects for different wind speedsand nylon net intervals are investigated in this paper. The results indicated that:①The relative position for minimum value of the acceleration rates ofdouble-row nylon net fenceis hardly influenced by wind speed and nylon net interval. However, the minimum value of net 2 was less than that of net 1. Furthermore,accumulation effects existed whenthe wind field is impacted by the double-row nylon net fence. ②The wind-break effects of the double-row nylon net fence decreased obviously with the increasing of wind speed. ③The intervalsof 2H and 5H showed better wind-break effects than others. Moreover, 5H was the most effectiveinterval, while 10H the worst one among the four intervals. Theseresults areconsistent with the findings of field experiments inthe corresponding interval. Wind speed and nylon net interval should be considered in the layout of nylon net fence in practices, and the double-row nylon net fencein interval 5H is recommended.
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