The residents cognition to desertification have impact on their desertification actions. If the public holds proper desertification cognition, they will be more active in the prevention and control of desertification. In the paper, the residents cognition to desertification in the lower reaches of Tarim River was investigated through questionnaire and interview survey. The results showed that:(1) The local residents have clear cognition on the causes and change of desertification, but the cognition is restricted to their activity oasis. (2) The local residents have comprehensive understanding on the control measures of desertification, and argue the government and all social members should be responsible for combating desertification, yet some local residents are willing to bear 100 Yuan for the control of desertification. (3) They acquires desertification information through single ways and mainly from TV. In order to encourage the local residents to take part in desertification control, three pieces of suggestions were put forward:to attach importance with the desertification of oasis, to find out appropriate property rights for desertification control, and to build crossed network for the spread of desertification information.
Li Chengzhi
Zhang Yan
Liu Yang
Deng Xingyao
He Qing
. Residents Cognition to Desertification in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2016
, 36(5)
: 1271
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00280
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