It is doubtless that sieving duration and sample weight can affect dry sieve analysis. However, the effect seldom had been reported. This paper is to understand the effect under different sifting duration (1-17 min) and weight (20-100 g). It indicates that the minimal sieving duration to separate effectively from different size particles is 3 minutes for 20 g samples and 9 minutes for 30-100 g samples. Uniform sand particles sieved dryly has 1%-4% of finer particles and 11%-30% of coarser particles in terms of microscopy method, indicating result of sieving method are less than that of microscopy method due to irregular shape of sand particles.
Nan Ning
Mei Fanmin
Shao Tianjie
Wang Chunyang
Wang Nan
. Effect of Sieving Duration and Samples Weight on Dry Sieving Analysis Results of Fine Sand Particles[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2016
, 36(5)
: 1260
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00170
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