The large volume and complex morphology of star dunes lead to difficulties in field observations of aeolian processes over their dune sides, and thus few studies of wind-blown sand over the star dune has been conducted. This paper focused on characteristics of aeolian sand flux profiles over the windward slopes of a star dune in north of the Crescent Moon Spring during westerly winds through a newly-developed sand trap, including 8 runs with duration 18-95 min and average wind speeds of 7.46-14.15 m.s-1 at height of 2 m. Results revealed that sand flux profiles over the windward slopes of the star dune were similar to those over the flat sandy surface in the same area, that is, sand transport rates decreased exponentially with the increase of height. Sand transport over the star dune slopes was concentrated on the height of 20-30 cm. The characteristic values of the sand flux profile (λ) was mainly larger than 1,and increased with the average wind speed at the height of 2 m, so star slopes were eroded. The transported sands in the wind-blown sand were mainly composed of fine sands, and fine sands were transported to the area near the dune top, where deposited sands were mainly composed of fine sands.
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