The spatiotemporal pattern of drought in North Xinjiang of China from 1961 to 2012 was analyzed with daily meteorological data and compound index of meteorological drought. The results indicated that drought severity relieved by decreasing trend of drought coverage, frequency and intensity in North Xinjiang. However, the whole drought also happened frequently in summer and autumn in North Xinjiang. The drought severity alleviated most significantly in winter, followed by spring and summer, less significantly in autumn. The drought severity decreased from southeast to northwest in North Xinjiang. The spatial distribution of change trend of drought frequency and intensity indicated that drought severity relieved significantly in south and central region of North Xinjiang. Moreover, the precipitation and evapotranspiration had significantly positive and negative correlation with the value of compound index of meteorological drought, respectively. The increasing trend of precipitation and the decreasing trend of evapotranspiration have very impotent contribution to the alleviation of drought severity in North Xinjiang.
Wu Yanfeng, Bake Batur, Luo Nana
. Spatiotemporal Pattern of Drought in North Xinjiang, China in 1961-2012[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2017
, 37(1)
: 158
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00212
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