The wind speed fluctuation characteristics of the desert-oasis ecotone in Heishanzui area of Dunhuang was studied using a portable gradient wind measurement system during sunny and duststorm weather processes. The results show that wind speed fluctuations at different heights have good correlation in both sunny days and duststorm processes in the same observation point, and more significant correlation occurs in the adjacent height. The wind speed fluctuation range increases with increasing height. Meanwhile, the fluctuation intensity of wind speed first increases then decreases along the direction from desert to oasis during sunny days, while it continuously decreases during sandstorm processes. Wind speed fluctuation rule in sunny days is similar to that in a duststorm processes. However, the correlation of wind directions in the same measuring point is more significant during duststorm processes compared with that in sunny days, and the wind speed fluctuation intensity is larger. Besides, wind speed is positively related to the fluctuation intensity, and the duststorm has certain inhibitory effect on strength of the fluctuation intensity.
An Zhishan
Zhang Kecun
Tan Lihai
Cai Diwen
. The Wind Speed Fluctuation over the Desert-Oasis Ecotone during Sunny and Duststorm Weather Processes[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2017
, 37(3)
: 414
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00238
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