As an ecological policy which involves in the wideset range and most peasant households,prohibiting grazing policy has made obvious effect on peasant households'land use behaviors in steppe zone since it was implemented.Participatory rural appraisal and cumulative Logit model were used to analyze the effects of prohibiting grazing policy on peasant households'land use behaviors in the Hobq Desert.The results show that:(1) The peasant households'behaviors have changed dramatically after implementing prohibiting grazing policy with the area increase of farmland and forage by the range of 0.83 hectare per household and 0.25 hectare per household respectively,while the feeding scale decreased sharply by 39.44 per household accompanied by the improvement of stall-feeding degree;(2) Based on cumulative Logit model,it is verified that the prohibiting grazing policy,the characters of householders,the characters of families and peasant householders'land use consciousness contribute to the changes of peasant households'land use behaviors collectively,while different factors play different roles in changing land use behaviors;(3) Seasonal prohibiting grazing policy makes relatively bigger influence on peasant households'farmland use behaviors,while yearly prohibiting grazing policy influences grassland use behaviors more.Then the proposals for improving prohibiting grazing policy are put forward based on the above conclusions.
Zhao Minmin
Zhou Lihua
Chen Yong
Gu Menghe
Guo Xiuli
Wang Rui
. The Effect of Prohibiting Grazing Policy on Peasant Households'Land Use Behaviors in the Hobq Desert of China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2017
, 37(4)
: 802
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2016.00028
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