Grain size of aeolian sediments from Balikun Mingshashan Desert, Xinjiang was analyzed, and its features were discussed in the present study. The results show that medium-size sands are the predominate component in the sediments. Frequency distribution curves of grain size of those deposits are nearly symmetrical, well-sorted and very leptokurtic. Probability cumulative curves reveal that the grains mainly move in the form of saltation, which accounts for approximately 40%-95%. Along the downward direction from sand ridge to the foot of the sand dune, mean grain sizes of the sediments increase gradually. Ratio of coarse component also elevates, but sorting of the grains becomes poor. The mean fractal dimension is 0.94, which is relatively low in comparison with some common detritus. A significant positive correlation between fractal dimension and standard deviation implies potential impact of sorting degree on fractal characteristics.
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