Based on niche theory and the MaxEnt model, in this study, we analyzed the significant factors determining the distribution of Lycium ruthenicum. And then with the result of model, we divided its suitable cultivation regions, and explored the possible impacts of climate change on the suitability of the species. Results showed that:(1) there are nine significant factors determining the planting distribution of L. ruthenicum:Precipitation of warmest quarter, Temperature annual range, Annual mean air temperature, Mean temperature of coldest quarter, Annual precipitation, Precipitation of wettest month, Mean temperature of driest quarter, Annual precipitation, and Elevation above sea level. (2) under the current climate scenario, the suitable planting regions of L. ruthenicum is about 207 382.58 km2, mainly distributed in the Hexi corridor of Gansu province and its surrounding, Qaidam Basin of Qinghai province, parts of the Tarim basin, Junggar Basin and Turfan Depression, Xinjiang. (3) under all four climate change scenarios, the suitable cultivation regions of L. ruthenicum all will have different rates of expansion, but the suitable cultivation regions of L. ruthenicum's immune from climate change will gradually decrease. The result of this study will provide theoretical and technical support for the introduction and domestication of L. ruthenicum.
Zhao Zefang
Wei Haiyan
Guo Yanlong
Zhao Zebin
Pang Guojin
Ma Yuan
Gu Wei
. Impacts of Climate Change on Cultivation Suitability of Lycium ruthenicum[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2017
, 37(5)
: 902
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2016.00099
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