Climate change is an important factor affecting vegetation and environmental conditions in grassland areas. Based on the temperature and precipitation from 1958 to 2016 in the Xin Barag Right Banner, the methods including linear inclination estimation, cumulative anomaly analysis, M-K test and Morlet wavelet analysis were used to analyze and study the trend of climate change, extreme climate and mutation in this region during 1958-2016 from different time sequence. The main results of this research are as follows:the average annual temperature increases at the rate of 0.354℃/10a in study area, and the rising trend is obvious. The average temperature of the four seasons is warming trend,especially in the spring.. The mutation from low temperature to high temperature occurred in 1985-1986. The annual mean temperature of the study area has a strong period of 11 a. The annual precipitation is decreasing at the rate of 8.68 mm/10a, and the trend is not significant. The precipitation in the study area is mainly concentrated in the summer, and the proportion of precipitation in June-August is 72.9%. There have largest precipitation and highest effective precipitation days in July The precipitation changed abruptly in 1961-1962 and 1981-1982. The maximum precipitation, the maximum precipitation for 5 consecutive days, the heavy rainfall, the strong precipitation, the strong precipitation ratio, the number of continuous rain days and the zero precipitation days all showed decreasing trend, only the precipitation intensity showed not obvious increasing trend; Morlet wavelet analysis shows that there is a significant period of 52 a for annual precipitation in the study area. For this region,the climate of Xin Barag Right Banner area showed a trend of drought during the past 59 years.
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