Based on the research of geochemical characteristics of elements taken from the sediment core of Ebinur Lake, the source of elements and its reflective historical of environmental evolution in Ebinur Lake watershed were discussed with multivariate analysis method. Finally, the potential ecological risks of each heavy metal in surface sediment core were evaluated. The results showed that elements can be divided into three assemblages:The first assemblage includes Fe, Mn, V, Ni, Li, Cr, K, Al, Co, P, Ti, Be, Pb, Cu, Ba and Zn derived predominantly from terrigenous source materials, which are affected by intensity factors of the runoff erosion; among them, heavy metals enrichment factor(Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zn etc.)and P have a significant changes after 1960 AD because of anthropogenic activities. The ordered specimen cluster analysis method was applied to study the lake environmental changes base on the enrichment factors of heavy metals and P; It was found that the environmental evolution of Ebinur Lake watershed since 1875 AD can be divided into 2 stages with 23 cm (1960 AD) for the sector:in Stage Ⅰ 1875-1960 AD, the heavy metal enrichment factors have a low values, and the contents of clay have a high values and a low waves; At this stage there was a sparse population in the watershed, environmental evolution mainly affected by regional climate changes. In Stage Ⅱ, from 1960 AD to present, with the increase of population and development of economic, most of the heavy metals and P enrichment factors increased significantly and a larger fluctuations. The environmental evolution was dominated by anthropogenic activities and climate change, and anthropogenic activities were gradually strengthened. The second assemblage includes Mg and Na consisted of autogenetic evaporative minerals. With the strengthening of anthropogenic such as development of oasis agriculture, increase of irrigation water and climate change, lake level undergo tremendous fluctuations, which influence the concentration change of Mg and Na. The third assemblage includes Ca and Sr, which derived from a dissolved terrigenous bicarbonate, and was deposited in the lake as solid carbonate. Finally, the potential ecological risk of heavy metals including Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V and Zn were evaluated. The results showed the potential ecological risk of elements followed the order:Ni(4.7) > Pb(4.6) > Cu(4.2) > Co(2.6) > Cr(1.7)=V(1.7) > Zn(1.1), and the potential ecological risks of those heavy metals were all slight.
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