The effects of different amount of extra phosphate fertilizer on the growth and drought resistance physiology of potato seedlings under drought stress were reported in this paper, the results showed that:(1) The reduction of the soils' water content induced the decrease of the potato leaves water content and chlorophyll content, the enhancement of the content of soluble sugar, proline and MDA, the enhancement of the relative electric conductivity (REC), O2-· production and antioxidant enzymes activities, and the reduction of plant height, stem diameter, root length, the number of stolon stem, tuber weight, and even the tuber's starch content, vitamin C content. (2) After the application of proper amount of extra phosphate fertilizer under drought stress, the leaf water content and chlorophyll content increased significantly, the activities of antioxidant enzymes enhanced, relative conductance, MDA content and O2-· production rate reduced significantly, tuber weight, starch content, Vc content increased significantly. (3) The best amount of extra phosphate fertilizer in promoting the growth of potato seedlings under drought stress was 15.3 g·m-2 among all the 6 amount of extra phosphate fertilizer. So it can be concluded that the growth of potato seedlings was inhibited significantly by drought stress, but proper amount of extra phosphate fertilizer could increase the osmotic adjustment substances content and the anti-oxidative enzymes activities, alleviate the degree of lipid-peroxidation and the damage of cell membrane, thus alleviated the inhibition in growth and enhanced the drought resistance abilities of the potato seedlings.
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