The aeolian deposits on the lake shore have always been a weak point in the study of lacustrine sediments. According to nearly 1/5 of the Qinghai Lake Basin, the east bank sand dunes provide a modern sedimentary example for studying the aeolian sediments of the modern fault basin. With the continuous development of sedimentology, the research content has gradually changed from the traditional model of "one element" to the source sink system of "two elements". Based on field geological investigation and remote sensing image data, combined with literature investigation and analysis, the results are obtained by the analysis. The shoreline in the front zone of the Tuanbao Mountain is relatively broad, which shows the Qinghai Lake level had reached the piedmont zone. Large area of the shore deposit and aeolian deposits were eroded by the wind, which provided the source base for sand accumulation. The elongated landforms of the rift lake basin cause the wind to blow along the long axis, resulting in the accumulation of aeolian deposits at one end of the long axis. The complex geomorphic features in the front of Tuanbao/Daban mountain provide favorable topographic conditions for the formation of the pyramid dunes. Northwest wind generated waves and longshore currents on the island and Haiyan Bay coastal zone, which result in shallow lake sand accumulated along the sand dam. With the decrease of the lake level, the coastal sand bar is exposed to the surface of the water and gradually closed, forming barrier island lagoon deposits.
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