Reaserch on interaction relationship between vegetation community and soil properties has significance to understanding the structure and funcation. Through the systematic sampling and survey of 21 samples plots of 20 m×20 m dimensions, based on the analysis of the characteristics of communities and soil nutrient, the relationship between species distribution of communities and soil nutrient were investigated with the methods of canonical corresponding analysis (CCA). The results show that:there were 27 kinds of species in study area, which belong to 15 families and 26 genera.The majority of species were Chenopodiaceae plant and accounted for 29.6% of total species number.The species richness of Tamarix chinensis community was the highest, and that of Populus euphratica was the lowest. Four vegetation cover including T. chinensis community, Lycium ruthenicum community, Haloxylon ammodendron community and Calligonum mongolicum community in edge of Dunhuang Oasis were selected as a case study. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-5, 5-20, 20-40, 40-60 and 60-80 cm, to analyze their physicochemical properties.The soil in depths of 80 cm organic matter content (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (AP), available potassium (AK) decreased in order of T. chinensis > L.ruthenicum > H. ammodendron > C. mongolicum; Total phosphorus (TP), total salt (TS) and available nitrogen (AN) decreased in order of T. chinensis > L. ruthenicum > C. mongolicum > H.ammodendron; Total potassium (TK) decreased in order of L. ruthenicum > T. chinensis > H. ammodendron > C. mongolicum; pH decreased in order of T. chinensis > L. ruthenicum > T. chinensis. There were significant difference of each nutrient index among different vegetation cover. The TN, SOM, TS, AN and AK of T. chinensis and L. ruthenicum community presented a decreasing trend with the increase of soil depths, which reflected an obvious surface aggregation effect. That of H.ammodendron and C. mongolicum community were in a fluctuation trend. With increase of soil depths, the content of TP, TK and AP increased first and then decrease in T. chinensis and L. ruthenicum community, which of H. ammodendron and C. mongolicum community were also in a fluctuation trend. The trend of pH all four community showed a fluctuation. The result of CCA ordination show that importance rank of environmental factors which regulated the distribution of species in study area were TN > pH > TK. Soil total nitrogen is an important regulatory factor for the distribution of plant communities.
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