Based on comprehensive analysis of geological and hydrogeological conditions, using the hydrochemical and isotope technique, and combined with the method of field investigation and office analysis, study on groundwater in Hopenne Lee Sin Desert. Groundwater chemical and stable isotope characteristics in the study area are analyzed and discussed the mineralization process and influence factors of groundwater, determine the desert area of groundwater recharge source. The hydrochemistry results showed that the mean values of each component in the phreatic water were higher than that of confined water, phreatic water is greater than the TDS of average confined water, phreatic water evaporation is greater than the confined water. Through the analysis of ions in groundwater in the study area and gibbs diagram, illustrate that the main ion components in the control of phreatic water are dissolution, adsorption and evaporation, the main ion components in the control of confined water are dissolution. Stable isotope results show that the phreatic water and confined water has a certain hydraulic connection. Groundwater recharge sources of major ice and snow melt water and precipitation in the mountain areas, phreatic water recharge altitude of 1 370 m, confined water recharge altitude of 1 650 m.
Du Mingliang
Wu Bin
Hu Zhonglin
Yu Liang
Wang Long
Guo Kaizheng
. Characteristics of Hydrochemistry and Isotopes of Groundwater in the Hopenne Lee Sin Desert and Indicator Effects[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2018
, 38(4)
: 858
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2017.00041
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