Aeolian-fluvial interaction is a particular erosion process in the region of the Northern Loess Plateau where wind-water soil erosion is significant. Taking the "sandy river delta surrounded by 3 rivers" at the upstream of Kuye River as the study area, this research adopt remote-sensing image analysis and mathematical statistics methods to study the interactive landform process between the river and the dune. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) "Sandy river delta surrounded by 3 rivers" of the Kuye River show a circular pattern centered on the river. The distances from the rivers are in turn showing the space of mobile dunes, fixed semi-fixed sand dunes and hilly gully regions. (2) The spatial pattern of rivers and dunes in typical river reaches shows three types in which the river passes through dunes, the mosaic distribution of patchy sand dunes on both sides of the river, and the distribution of moving sand dunes at the junction of two rivers. (3) There is a corresponding relationship between the bending coefficient of the river and the changes of the dune activity on both sides of the river.
Wang Yu
Li Xiaomei
Feng Qi
Liu Yuqing
. Landscape Pattern and Variation of Riverine Sand Dunes in the Kunye River Basin, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2019
, 39(1)
: 52
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2017.2018.00102
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