

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Wind Tunnel Simulation of Aeolian Sand Process in Subgrade Section of Two Typical High-Grade Highway

  • Yu Yanping ,
  • Xiao Jianhua ,
  • Qu Jianjun ,
  • Li Fang ,
  • Li Wanqiang ,
  • Pan Duoming ,
  • Wu Qingrui ,
  • Hong Xuefeng ,
  • Tian Yongzhen
  • 1. Dunhuang Gobi Desert Research Station/Gansu Center for Sand Hazard Reduction Engineering and Technology, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China;
    2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
    3. Highway Management Bureau of Alxa League, Alxa 750306, Inner Mongolia, China;
    4. Forest and Sand Control Research Institute of Alxa League, Alxa 750306, Inner Mongolia, China

Received date: 2018-02-03

  Revised date: 2018-04-18

  Online published: 2019-02-14


The difference of central structure of high-grade highway will affect the process of aeolian sand transport-accumulation in the subgrade cross section in different degrees. When the height of the subgrade is 4 cm (the ratio of subgrade model to actual subgrade is 1:100), the increasing trend of leeward side sand accumulation range of anti-glare board subgrade is more pronounced with the increasing wind speed. Under the same wind speed, the range of sand accumulation on both sides of anti-glare subgrade is larger, and the corresponding scope of the engineering protection should be increased accordingly. When the subgrade height is 8 cm, the anti-glare net subgrade has a large amount of sand accumulated on the road surface and a large area covered by sand on the leeward side, therefore, the corresponding protection range should be also relatively large in actual engineering maintenance. The higher the subgrade is, the larger the corresponding scope of the engineering protection should be, and it is necessary to strengthen the maintenance of the windward slope, especially the anti-glare board subgrade. In addition, more sand control facilities should be provided beyond the range of 5H (H represents the height of highway) on the leeward side of the two high-grade subgrade, especially anti-glare subgrade, this purpose is to prevent the sand accumulated on road surface from being carried away by the reverse air flow and affecting the traffic safety. There is more sediment material accumulation on the anti-glare board subgrade leeward slope. So in order to prevent the second sand hazard endangering the safety of the highway vehicles, the leeward side of the anti-glare board subgrade also need to be focused on protection. Finally, the anti-glare board facilities should be used for the central structure of high-grade highway in the desert areas with single main wind direction.

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Yu Yanping , Xiao Jianhua , Qu Jianjun , Li Fang , Li Wanqiang , Pan Duoming , Wu Qingrui , Hong Xuefeng , Tian Yongzhen . Wind Tunnel Simulation of Aeolian Sand Process in Subgrade Section of Two Typical High-Grade Highway[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2019 , 39(1) : 68 -79 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2018.00046


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