Field experiments were conducted in gobi area to investigate the effects of vehicle crushing on dust emission and influencing factors. PM10 concentration were measured repeatedly with Dust Trak(TSI) on four kinds of road, specifically gravelly, gravelly and sandy, sandy, silty road surface in gobi area. We also investigated the influences of crushing time, speed and surface moisture on dust concentration. It is revealed that the average PM10 concentration of four kinds of road surface after vehicle crushing was 5.339, 9.089, 16.944, 50.251 mg·m-3, respectively, which was about 5-50 times of the natural state. The PM10 concentration increased with the crushing time, and the most significant increase can be seen from silty road surface data. The PM10 concentration increases with soil thickness, following power function relationship. There is a remarkable decrease of dust emission after the rainfall, and the precipitation can affect the trend of dust emission after rainfall. Based on the above results, some suggestion and measurements are represented in order to reduce the dust emission by vehicle crushing on gobi in the end of this paper.
Meng Xiaonan
Yan Ping
Wang Zhenting
Dong Miao
Wang Yong
. Dust Emission by Vehicle Crushing on Gobi of Gansu, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2019
, 39(1)
: 80
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2018.00030
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