Based on the analysis of characteristics of grain-size from the modern fixed, semi-fixed, semi-shifting and mobile sand dunes in Mu Us Sandy Land, we find that the grain-size components greater than 245 μm is the sandy land environmentally grain-size sensitive components of experimental area, and it is tentatively applied to the study the sandy land evolution in geological time. In the meanwhile, combined with variation of the sedimentary fades in typical aeolian sand and paleosoil profile, we discussed the spatiotemporal changes of the Mu Us Sandy Land during the mid-Holocene period. The results indicate the region experiences the several activation/expansion and fixation/reduction. The sandy land was dominated by the mobile dune in 3.7-3.5 ka BP and before 7.5 ka BP, and the sandy land was in a frequently change period among fixed, semi-fixed, semi-shifting and mobile sandy land in other stages of the mid-Holocene, and regional sandy land activation still occur during Holocene Optimum when paleosoil development in large scale. The characteristics of sandy land change are consistent with the environmental evolution of adjacent loess plateau.
Liu Zhenyu
Jin Heling
Liu Bing
Xue Wenping
. Desert Evolution during the Mid Holocene Reflected by Grain-size Variation of Aeolian Sand and Paleosoil Sequence Records from Mu Us Sandy Land[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2019
, 39(1)
: 88
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2018.00044
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