Taking survey data of 606 households from Gansu province as samples, this paper used a ordered Logit model to analyze how family endowments, environment perception and other variables affect farmer's satisfaction on desertification land control. Our findings indicate that farmers are more satisfied with desertification land management. while, farmer's satisfaction come from experience group in control areas whose satisfaction about desertification land control are higher than those come from contrastive group in non-control areas, this conclusion is confirmed by comparative regression. Government subsidy and social security have a greater impact on farmer's satisfaction about desertification land control in the experimental group, however the family endowment and the control group did not pass a significant test. Environmental perception is highly correlated with farmer's satisfaction about desertification land control, but the farmers in the experimental group pay more attention to coverage change of surrounding vegetation, while the contrastive group concerned about protection function of oasis. There is difference between sex, education and difference family structure as refer to the influence of family endowments, environment perception on farmers' satisfaction about desertification land control. Finally, this paper put forward desertification land control policy not only aim to desertification land reversed, but also more attention to the improvement of family welfare based on farmers' satisfaction.
Luo Wanyun
Wang Guangyao
. Family Endowment, Environment Perception and Farmer's Satisfaction about Desertification Land Control: A household survey case in 14 counties, Gansu, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2019
, 39(1)
: 195
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2018.00042
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