毛乌素沙地臭柏Sabina vulgaris群落生物土壤结皮细菌群落组成及其影响因素
周虹a,2(), 吴波a,2(), 高莹a,2, 成龙a, 贾晓红a,2, 庞营军a, 赵河聚a
Composition and influencing factors of the biological soil crust bacterial communities in the Sabina vulgaris community in Mu Us Sandy Land
Hong Zhoua,2(), Bo Wua,2(), Ying Gaoa,2, Long Chenga, Xiaohong Jiaa,2, Yingjun Panga, Heju Zhaoa

图2. 不同发育阶段生物土壤结皮细菌多样性指数

Fig.2. Diversity index of the bacterial communities in different developmental stages of biological soil crusts